Information for Tenants
Facing Eviction? Before going to court, check out The Rental Housing Resource Center. Staff can work with these topics and more:
- Rent payment missed, late or partial payment
- Maintenance, repairs, pests
- Communication problems
- Eviction notice
- Landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities
Mediate Wisconsin can also help landlords and tenants resolve issues before going to court.
Benefits of mediation include:
- Save Time
- Save Money
- Avoid Court
- Decide Your Own Solution
Small Claims Eviction Court Forms
REMEMBER: You can get help with Landlord-Tenant issues at the Marquette Volunteer Legal Clinics.
Brief legal advice and referral information provided.
Brief legal advice and referral information provided.
Do you want to reopen your Eviction Case?
Visit the Marquette Volunteer Legal Clinics
Forms to request to reopen your case.
(Legal advice is strongly recommended!) Do you need information on how to satisfy a money judgment for eviction?
Was your Eviction case dismissed or dismissed by agreement? You may be able to seal your record.
Visit the Eviction Records Forms Clinic at the Milwaukee Justice Center on Thursday mornings for assistance (sign up starts at 8:30 am) or visit the Marquette Volunteer Legal Clinics for free legal advice. You can also fill out the form on the clinic flyer and we'll send you more information.
Forms to request to seal your case.
(Legal advice is strongly recommended!)
Would you like to file a case to get your security deposit back?
This is a small claims action. Go to the Small Claims page. Visit the Marquette Volunteer Legal Clinics for free legal advice. |
Do you want to file an Answer and Counterclaim?
Visit the Marquette Volunteer Legal Clinics for free legal advice |
Fee Waiver Forms
If you are unable to pay the filing fees, and meet the income requirements, you can ask the court to waive the fees by completing form CV-410A&B below.
Form CV-410A
Petition for Waiver of Fees and Costs - Affidavit of Indigency
Form CV-410B
Order on Petition for Waiver of Fees and Costs
If you are unable to pay the filing fees, and meet the income requirements, you can ask the court to waive the fees by completing form CV-410A&B below.
Form CV-410A
Petition for Waiver of Fees and Costs - Affidavit of Indigency
Form CV-410B
Order on Petition for Waiver of Fees and Costs
Frequently Asked Questions:
I am a tenant. I have received a notice to vacate but I do not have a court date.
Mediate Wisconsin provides free mediation to help landlords and tenants resolve issues outside of court. To sign up, fill out an intake at Mediate Wisconsin
I am a tenant and I received court papers for an eviction hearing.
Milwaukee's Eviction Free MKE provides representation at court to income-eligible tenants. Fill out an intake at Eviction Free MKE or call 414-892-RENT (7368)
My landlord has filed for eviction, but I have applied for emergency assistance.
Petition for Stay of Eviction Based on Defendant's Application for Emergency Assistance
Order on Petition for Stay of Eviction Based on Defendant's Application for Emergency Assistance
My landlord will not fix something and I want to not pay my rent because of it.
Not paying your rent--for any reason, including ignored repairs-- puts you at risk for eviction. Even if the landlord has not done what they said would be done, you may still be evicted for not paying your rent. Always pay your rent, no matter what the situation! Be sure to get a receipt for your rent payments. Eviction judgment will remain on CCAP for many years and negatively affect your ability to rent other apartments.
Contact the RENTAL HOUSING RESOURCE CENTER for assistance.
If you do not feel that the landlord is responding to your request for repairs and concerns, you may contact the City of Milwaukee Department of Neighborhood Services to make a complaint. Click here for information on contacting the city.
I am a tenant. I have received a notice to vacate but I do not have a court date.
Mediate Wisconsin provides free mediation to help landlords and tenants resolve issues outside of court. To sign up, fill out an intake at Mediate Wisconsin
I am a tenant and I received court papers for an eviction hearing.
Milwaukee's Eviction Free MKE provides representation at court to income-eligible tenants. Fill out an intake at Eviction Free MKE or call 414-892-RENT (7368)
My landlord has filed for eviction, but I have applied for emergency assistance.
Petition for Stay of Eviction Based on Defendant's Application for Emergency Assistance
Order on Petition for Stay of Eviction Based on Defendant's Application for Emergency Assistance
My landlord will not fix something and I want to not pay my rent because of it.
Not paying your rent--for any reason, including ignored repairs-- puts you at risk for eviction. Even if the landlord has not done what they said would be done, you may still be evicted for not paying your rent. Always pay your rent, no matter what the situation! Be sure to get a receipt for your rent payments. Eviction judgment will remain on CCAP for many years and negatively affect your ability to rent other apartments.
Contact the RENTAL HOUSING RESOURCE CENTER for assistance.
If you do not feel that the landlord is responding to your request for repairs and concerns, you may contact the City of Milwaukee Department of Neighborhood Services to make a complaint. Click here for information on contacting the city.
Other Resources for Tenants
Landlord - Tenant Guide (WI Dept. of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection)
Tenant Resource Center (Madison-area resources; helpful information for both landlords and tenants statewide):
Rent for Success - a free tenant-training program designed to educate and empower renters to make safe, healthy choices in their housing, and to provide helpful resources if anything does go wrong with an arrangement. For details, call (414) 286-8122.
Rent Smart - a virtual program focusing on the knowledge and skills essential for a successful renting experience, including landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities. To sign up, fill out the application here.
Landlord - Tenant Guide (WI Dept. of Agriculture, Trade, and Consumer Protection)
Tenant Resource Center (Madison-area resources; helpful information for both landlords and tenants statewide):
Rent for Success - a free tenant-training program designed to educate and empower renters to make safe, healthy choices in their housing, and to provide helpful resources if anything does go wrong with an arrangement. For details, call (414) 286-8122.
Rent Smart - a virtual program focusing on the knowledge and skills essential for a successful renting experience, including landlord and tenant rights and responsibilities. To sign up, fill out the application here.
Would you like more information about landlord-tenant issues?
Not finding what you need? For additional information, visit the Wisconsin State Law Library website.