Divorce / Legal Separation: Publication
You can get help with Divorce/Legal Separation Part 1 of 2 at the Milwaukee Justice Center's Self-Help Desks.
You can get help with Divorce/Legal Separation Part 2 of 2 by appointment only.
Legal advice is not provided.
You can get help with Divorce/Legal Separation Part 1 of 2 at the Milwaukee Justice Center's Self-Help Desks.
You can get help with Divorce/Legal Separation Part 2 of 2 by appointment only.
Legal advice is not provided.
- Publication is a last resort and can only be used if personal service by Sheriff and/or one of the options below were unsuccessful. You must have a hard copy of the affidavit of non-service.
- Private Process Server- Can often serve without an address, as they will do some digging to determine the location of the other party (usually will serve at work, bars, or spouse’s frequent hangouts).
- Affidavit of Personal Service- If you are unable to contact the other party or are not comfortable doing so, a person over the age of 18 (not a party to the case) can serve the other party. (Family member or friend)
- Admission of Service- You can give the documents to the other party and ask that they voluntarily accept the forms from you. The other party needs to sign the bottom of the Admission of Service form after you’ve filled out the caption.
- Private Process Server- Can often serve without an address, as they will do some digging to determine the location of the other party (usually will serve at work, bars, or spouse’s frequent hangouts).
- These other methods are important because you need to swear in front of a notary that you’ve attempted service by one or options listed above with a Publication Affidavit of Efforts to Serve Respondent.
- The first day of publication must be within the 90 days of filing your Part 1 divorce documents.
- You may request an Extension of Time to Serve/Publish from your Judge’s Clerk.
- You may request an Extension of Time to Serve/Publish from your Judge’s Clerk.
I would like help filling out these forms!
Visit our clinic in the courthouse.
I would like help filling out these forms!
Visit our clinic in the courthouse.